A parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
In 1897, Sacred Heart Institute or Academy was built with funds furnished by Mother Katharine Drexel of Philadelphia. It opened with an enrollment of 30 pupils, and was staffed by the Benedictine Sisters of Shoal Creek, Arkansas. The land and school were deeded by the Cherokee indians to the sisters as an inducement to assume responsibility for the isolated mission school.
The sisters of Mount Carmel, New Orleans, Louisiana operated the school from 1899 - 1903. By 1903, there were 106 students. The nuns who staffed the school in the early days came from France, Germany and Ireland. They brought some of their own cultures, believed in rigid discipline, and stressed obedience.
Sacred Heart Academy was a co-ed school, with facilities for boarding girls. Out of town boys boarded in private local homes. Tuition was $30 a month, including room and board. Classes were held from kindergarden through the twelfth grade.
The academic day for high school included literature, Latin, Spanish and French. Business courses offered typing, bookkeeping, shorthand, business arithmetic, business English and business spelling. Music classes offered piano, violin, trombone, accordian, and harp. There was a school orchestra, glee clubs, and boys and girls basketball.
In 1904, the Sisters of the Divine Providence of San Antonio assumed charge and continued its operation until 1967, at which time the school was closed. The property was purchased by Holy Ghost Catholic Church, and the school building was demolished. The Sacred Heart Academy gymnasium (on the far right in the photo above) was converted into today's parish hall. The floor of the parish hall is the original basketball court.
Holy Ghost's original church donor(s) are not known, but the bronze bell hanging in its steeple was inscribed "Cherokees to the Catholic Church at Vinita, I.T. 1895".
Holy Ghost Parish, which is older than Vinita itself, is one of the first of Vinita's nearly 30 churches. The Parish was founded sometime before 1867. Records indicate the first Baptism took place on August 7, 1867; deaths are recorded as early as 1881. It has been noted in an historical account written by Rev. T. F. Kramer that Frank Sheehan, a section foreman for the Frisco railroad, hosted the visiting priests who offered Mass in his home for the parishoners.
Constructed in 1894 and dedicated in 1895, Rev. W. H. Ketcham was successful in building a small mission church which cost about $1,500. The original church building served our parishioners until 1953.
The Vinita priests also took care of missions attached to Holy Ghost Church. Those missions included Quapaw, Miami, Welch, Claremore, Centralia, Lenapah, Cayuga, Fairland and Spavinaw. Today the parish covers all of Craig County, except the northern part which belongs to St. Ann parish in Welch.
1895 - 1902 Rev. Arthur F. Versavel
1900 - 1901 Rev. Maurice D'Haenens
1903 - 1917 Rev. Charles Van Hulse
1917 - 1923 Rev. John F. Davlin
1923 - 1925 Rev. Francis D. McCreedy
1925 - 1947 Rev. Titus F. Kramer, C.PP.S.
1936 Rev. Samual Homsey, C.PP.S.
1939 Rev. Leonard Sudhoff, C.PP.S.
1949 Rev. Cyril Kennedy, C.PP.S.
1947 - 1955 Rev. Rupert Landoll, C.PP.S.
1955 - 1956 Rev. Cornelius Fenton, C.PP.S.
1955 - 1965 Rev. Joseph A. Biegler, C.PP.S.
1956 - 1957 Rev. Leonard Burghart, C.PP.S.
1957 - 1958 Rev. Samuel Homsey, C.PP.S.
1958 - 1959 Rev. William Shields, C.PP.S.
1959 Rev. Joseph Anthamattan, C.PP.S.
1959 - 1960 Rev. William Schenk, C.PP.S.
1960 Rev. Emil Dinkel, C.PP.S.
1960 Rev. George Fey, C.PP.S.
1960 - 1961 Rev. Joseph Grilliot, C.PP.S.
1961 - 1963 Rev. Harold Brown, C.PP.S.
1963 - 1964 Rev. Russel Friedrichsen, C.PP.S.
1964 - 1971 Rev. Paul Becquet, C.PP.S.
1965 - 1976 Rev. Benedict J. D'Angelo
1976 - 1983 Rev. George W. Heinzen, C.PP.S.
1983 - 1992 Rev. Leo A. Brand, C.PP.S.
1992 - 1995 Rev. Henry Broyles
1995 - 1998 Rev. Paul Eichoff
1998 - 2012 Rev. Alex Kennedy
2012 - Present Rev. Michael E. Cashen
C.PP.S.: The Missionaries of the Precious Blood form a community of priests and brothers within the Roman Catholic Church. The Society was founded by St. Gaspar del Bufalo in 1815. The Missionaries of the Precious Blood is a shortened English translation of the Latin "Congregatio Missionariorum Pretiosissimi Sanguinis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi," (The Congregation of Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ). Priests and brothers use the initials C.PP.S. after their names.